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    Disclaimer: The use of this form or the internet to communicate with LippSmith LLP or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Do not include any confidential or time-sensitive information using this form. 

    LippSmith LLP* 

    Harbor Court Commercial Tower

    55 Merchant Street
    Suite 1850
    Honolulu, HI 96813

    (808) 376-2052

    *Graham LippSmith, MaryBeth LippSmith, Jaclyn Anderson, & Celene Chan Andrews are all partners in LippSmith LLP and are all lawyers admitted to the Hawai‘i Bar.

    Visit our websites, linked below, to learn more about the Maui Fire Lawsuit Legal Team *

    Robertson and Associates Logo

    *A petition for attorney Alexander Robertson to represent plaintiffs and the putative class pro hac vice in Eder v. Maui Electric Company, Limited has been granted by the Court.

    All attorneys at LippSmith LLP are admitted to the Hawai‘i Bar. 

    *A petition for attorneys Robert Curtis, Kevin Gamarnik, and Luis Saenz to represent plaintiffs and the putative class pro hac vice in Eder v. Maui Electric Company, Limited has been granted by the Court.